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Figure 5 | BMC Genetics

Figure 5

From: Timing the tides: Genetic control of diurnal and lunar emergence times is correlated in the marine midge Clunio marinus

Figure 5

Correlation of zeitgebers for different geographic locations and the corresponding adaptive combinations of lunar and diurnal emergence times. (A) Correlation of zeitgebers in different geographic locations for full moon spring tides (squares) and new moon spring tides (circles). The laboratory strains' places of origin (filled squares and circles) and other reference localities (open squares and circles) are given with standard deviations. For the places of origin of the laboratory strains, only the low tide during which Clunio is known to emerge in the field is given, for the other reference places both daily low tides are given. (B) Combinations of lunar and diurnal emergence times in laboratory strains of different geographic origins. Peaks predicted to fall onto full moon are given as squares, those predicted to fall onto new moon are given as circles. The strains of Vigo (1) and St. Jean-de-Luz (3) have a lunar rhythm and do not emerge during full moon. Error bars are standard deviations. Strain identities: 1 Vigo (West Spain). 2 Santander (North Spain). 3 St. Jean-de-Luz (Basque Coast, France). 4 Port-en-Bessin (Normandie, France). 5 Lulworth (English Channel, UK). 6 Studland (English Channel, UK). 7 Bembridge (Isle of Wight, UK). Other reference places: 9 Devonport (English Channel, UK). 10 Ullapool (Scotland, UK). 11 Bremerhaven (Germany). 12 Brest (Bretagne, France). Data from [3, 53]

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