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Table 4 Work flow

From: Mapping of QTL affecting incidence of blood and meat inclusions in egg layers






Genome scan

Search for QTL

Sub data of F2 population (randomly selected 7 half-sib families)

Linkage analyses of 162 microsatellites on 27 chromosomes

668 F2 hens


Focusing on the QTL area

Whole F2 mapping population (17 half-sib families)

6 new microsatellite markers + 5 SNPs

1599 F2 hens


SNP detection

Lohmann Brown, Hy-Line


106 indivuals in LB

20 invidivuals in Hy


Tissue analysis

Eggs from a broiler breeding hatchery

Light microscopy study

480 eggs


Association studies in independent commercial lines

1) Lohmann Brown (767 hens)

Mixed models with DMU

whole pure line hen population (767 hens): MCW241

-sub data I: ZO-2 (516 hens)

-sub data II: phenotypically extreme 416 hens: panel of 15 SNPs


2) Hy-Line

(290 males)

Linear model with least squares, SAS

-all genotyped with MCW241

-all genotyped with a panel of 5 informative SNPs

  1. Different phases and aims of the study are shown in the 1st and 2nd columns. Populations and subsets are presented in the 3rd column followed with the methods and details in the 4th and 5th columns.