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Table 1 Comparison of the key steps of gDNA extraction protocols from the three different starting materials

From: Isolation of human genomic DNA for genetic analysis from premature neonates: a comparison between newborn dried blood spots, whole blood and umbilical cord tissue

DNA isolation step

Starting material

3.2 mm DBS

100 μl WB

0.5 g UC

1. DNA binding column




2. Use of carrier RNA*




3. Duration of lysis step

1 h

1 h

~12 h

4. Elution volume

60 μl

100 μl

1 ml

5. Solution used for elution

Nuclease free water

Nuclease free water

Nuclease free water

  1. *Carrier RNA was added into the lysis buffer at manufacturer’s recommended concentrations (DBS: 0.01 μg/μl and WB: 0.005 μg/μl). DBS–dried blood spots; WB–whole blood; UC–umbilical cord.