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Table 4 Differences and their standard errors (S.E.) between paternally and maternally inherited DGAT1 promoter VNTR – K232A haplotypes regarding milk production traits in German Holstein cows

From: Dominance and parent-of-origin effects of coding and non-coding alleles at the acylCoA-diacylglycerol-acyltransferase (DGAT1) gene on milk production traits in German Holstein cows

DGAT1 haplotypea

Milk yield [kg]

Milk fat content [%]

Milk fat yield [kg]

Milk protein content [%]

Milk protein yield [kg]


pa – mab

pa – mab

pa – mab

pa – mab

pa – mab

3 – 232K

324.440.001 (98.2)

-0.1070.003 (0.036)

4.240.276 (3.89)

-0.023 0.149 (0.017)

8.930.002 (2.93)

1 – 232A

-467.130.019 (198.47)

0.200.006 (0.07)

-1.85 0.813 (7.85)

0.0860.010 (0.033)

-8.160.169 (5.92)

2 – 232A

35.25 0.801 (139.84)

-0.050 0.330 (0.050)

-3.090.577 (5.53)

-0.029 0.223 (0.024)

-1.470.726 (4.17)

3 – 232A

139.480.318 (139.56)

-0.091 0.076 (0.051)

-1.94 0.726 (5.52)

-0.042 0.076 (0.025)

1.060.800 (4.17)

4 – 232A

-32.43 0.718 (89.66)

0.028 0.388 (0.033)

0.700.843 (3.55)

0.0110.451 (0.015)

-0.200.939 (2.68)

5 – 232A

0.39 0.997 (104.9)

0.019 0.620 (0.038)

1.94 0.640 (4.15)

-0.0030.854 (0.018)

-0.160.958 (3.13)







  1. a1, 2, 3, 4, 5: alleles at the DGAT1 promoter VNTR; K: DGAT1 232K, A: DGAT1 232A; p: p-values for the F statistic of the simultaneous test of the parent-of-origin effect over all haplotypes. bp-values for the contrast between single paternally (pa) and maternally (ma) inherited haplotypes are given as indices