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Figure 6 | BMC Genetics

Figure 6

From: Autosomal mutations affecting Y chromosome loops in Drosophila melanogaster

Figure 6

Meiotic phenotype of ms(3)162-39. Left column: immunostaining with anti α-tubulin antibody; right column: Hoechst 33258 staining. For comparison, see the wild type meiosis reported in Figure 4. a-b: prometaphase nuclei in ms(3)162-39 primary spermatocytes. Note that asters are migrating to the opposite poles (a) while chromatin fails to compact (b). c-d: asters further separating in preparation for meiosis II (c), while chromatin is still undercondensed (d). e-f: chromatin reaches a level of compaction similar to wild type (f), but spindle fibers have lost their organization. g-h: anaphase figure showing defective chromatin segregation and a highly disorganized central spindle. i-j: abnormal spermatids during the elongation stage; note the abnormal microtubules organization (i) and the irregular size of nuclei. k: micro- and macro-nuclei associated with irregularly sized nebenkerns. Bar: 10 μm

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