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Fig. 1 | BMC Genetics

Fig. 1

From: High-content behavioral profiling reveals neuronal genetic network modulating Drosophila larval locomotor program

Fig. 1

A strategy to conduct high-content profiling of larval locomotor behaviors. a Third instar larvae of different genotypes were analyzed using the MaggotTracker imaging system. Each larva was tracked and recorded for 4 min. Parameters were extracted from the videos. Mutant values were divided by control values to obtain normalized values. A heatmap was used to display normalized mutant parameter values, with blue, black, yellow indicating mutant values <, =, > 1, respectively. The same color scale was used for all figures. b Gαo neuronal RNAi produced similar phenotypes using UAS-RNAi strains from two stock centers. PCC, Pearson Correlation Coefficient. c Histograms of Z scores from parameter values of all genotypes (All) and parameter values that were considered significantly different than wild-type values (Above cutoff). SD, Standard deviation. Z scores measure how much a mutant value deviate from the wild-type value in SDs

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