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Fig. 1 | BMC Genetics

Fig. 1

From: A preliminary integrated genetic map distinguishes every chromosome pair and locates essential genes related to abiotic adaptation of Crassostrea angulata/gigas

Fig. 1

mFISH of the BACs isolated from the library that contained the following probes (genes and BAC-clones): a) 3D14 (red), 18S rDNA (green), b) 127f5 (red) 18i16 (green), c) 18I16 (red), 17 L12 (green), d) 3D14 (red), 5S rDNA (green), e) 127f5(red), 5S rDNA (green), f) 18I16 (red), 5S rDNA (green), g) 17 L12 (green), 45B21 (orange), 96P24 (pink), 13P13 (blue), h) 133H22 (green), 127F5 (orange), 18I16 (pink), 5S rDNA (blue), i) 177C12 (green), 127F5 (orange), 50F9 (pink), 102 L1 (blue), j) H3 histone (green), H4 histone (red), k) H3 histone (green), 5S rDNA (red), l) H4 histone (green), 18S rDNA (red). Pictures A, D, E, F and H correpond to C. angulata metaphasic plates. The remaining plates correspond to C. gigas species

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